CALL US TODAY: (714) 381-4344



501C3 Non Profit Dog & Puppy Rescue in Orange County, California

Meet Jacqueline

Jacqueline is the founder of Doggie Bonez Rescue. Jackie’s passion for dogs started at an early age. As a little girl, instead of playing with dolls, Jackie played with all of her animals.  Her first actual rescue was 16 years ago. Near Jackie’s office, there was a warehouse that kept 3 Rottweilers as security dogs.  The dogs were kept in crates without any affection or care. Jackie begged the security guards to let her take the dogs out. They refused claiming the dogs were vicious.  Jackie persisted until finally one day she was granted access to them. The dogs were filled with ticks and fleas, callouses on their bodies and chains around their neck. A month later they hit the doggie lotto, Jackie adopted one of them and her mom adopted the other two.

This sparked something in Jackie, a few years later, she saw a picture of “Sassy”,  one of her 4 dog which she currently has now. Sassy was surrendered aka dumped into a high kill shelter. This little Pit bull was so heartbroken she had stopped eating,  and was literally skin and bones.  Jackie took her in and discovered how sweet and loving the Bully breed is. A true turning point for Jackie, was the realization this bully breed needed a voice and advocate because of the terrible stigma attached to them.  At the shelter, she starting funding all of the fees, boarding and vetting herself.  She would pull one dog out at a time and board them independently.  She would hand make flyers and get these dogs adopted. She was a one woman show for years.  One dog turned into 5 which turned into 20. Finally, with the help of her supportive husband, Rey, she has turned her passion and mission into a full fledged 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization.  Jackie still funds the dogs using her own money  and occasional donations and volunteers.  As Jackie always says, “it takes a village.”

To adopt any of the dogs on these pages, or other incredible dogs like them, contact Jackie, at 714-381-4344

Contact Us Today!

To adopt any of the dogs on these pages, or other incredible dogs like them, contact Jackie at (714) 381-4344, or contact her by email below.


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We always need help. As Jackie always say, "It takes a village!".  The Dogs & Puppies would love you forever!

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